Helm Cheatsheet

Collection of helm-stuff

Kubernetes + GCloud Cheatsheet

Kubernetes and gcloud cheathseet Links Official Kubernetes Cheatsheet Bash autocomplete source <(kubectl completion bash) Listing # List all images in the active namespace kubectl -n dev get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" |tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' Restart item by adding annotation kubectl annotate secretstore/vault-backend force-sync="$(date +%s)" --overwrite Sidecar # Exec into pod with sidecar kubectl exec -it -n<namespace> <pod> -c <container> bash # Copy from pod with sidecar kubectl cp -c <container> <namespace>/<pod>:<file-inside-pod> <local-filename> Start a container without server If you want to start a container without it starting the server (e....