Automatic backup to MEGA cloud with crontab

Backing up stuff to the cloud is all the rage, and I wanted to give it a try. Since I don’t really want to spend any money on it, I decided to go with the best free provider I could find. I haven’t done too much research, but MEGA’s 50 free GB seems to be the best offer around. They also have a simple CLI tool called megatools (manual). Since I couldn’t find megatools in the official debian repo, I decided to use it from docker....

Let's encrypt crontab with nginx service

Crontab for renewal # m h dom mon dow command 15 3 * * * certbot renew --quiet --no-self-upgrade --pre-hook "systemctl stop nginx.service" --post-hook "systemctl start nginx.service" Docker alternative Note that if you run certbot in docker, you cannot use the –pre-hook and –post-hook as the other services cannot be changed through the docker container. Instead, you should create a script file, where you run the –pre-hook before the command and –post-hook afterwards...