Not all videos working on Firefox on Linux

Issue I recently installed Ubuntu minimal on a new computer, and noticed that sometimes Youtube-videos didn’t work. All “old” videos seemed to work, but newly uploaded videos usually claimed that my browser did not support HTML5. Basically, I could have a video in one tab which did work flawlessly, and a video in another tab which claimed I did not have HTML5 support in my browser. The error message was the something like the following:...

Installing a lightweight linux desktop environment with openbox and dwm

These are my installation notes for creating a lightweight linux desktop environment from scratch, which contains only the most necessary applications. I’ll probably update it slightly in the future, when I realize I have missed some application. It will contain both openbox and dwm, as I’m always torn between using a tiling versus a floating window manager. Mostly I prefer tiling ones, but with some applications, they simply don’t work well....

Installing Spotify on Linux

These instructions are old and probably don’t work anymore Add spotify-sources to apt-repo echo "deb stable non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list Add key apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59 Fetch updates apt-get update Add this stupid old dependency This might not be needed anymore / on other distros. Just do it if the next step doesn’t work wget dpkg -i libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-6_amd64.deb Install spotify apt-get install spotify-client Run spotify! spotify