I’ve been looking to buy some kind of external storage for a while now, and this page is pretty much my scratch-page for collecting data.


  1. Hardware (requirements)
  2. Space for 4-6 3.5" HDDs
  3. Quiet enough to be unnoticeable from a few meters away
  4. Should be around the same size as the hard drives put together (with some space in between of course)
  5. Gigabit ethernet
  6. Hardware (nice to have)
  7. Possibility of mounting 2.5" disks
  8. Fans should be still when the drive is not in use
  9. Some high-speed connection, like eSATA or USB3, which can be connected directly to another computer
  10. Software (requirements), if I can simply install linux on the machine, then the features below are not required
  11. RAID 10
  12. Samba
  13. Logging/status (CPU, Memory, Storage, Temperature)
  14. Access restriction on a user level + anonymous access
  15. Software (nice to have)
  16. RAID 6
  17. Wake-on-Lan

Alternatives to investigate:


Type: NAS

Total price with hard drives: Around 7k SEK

Links: prisjakt, youtube

Requirements (see above):

  1. Hardware (requirements)
  2. ✓ - Space for 4 3.5" HDDs
  3. ✓ - Whisper quite according to reviews
  4. ✓ - Not too big
  5. ✓ - Gigabit ethernet
  6. Hardware (nice to have)
  7. ✓ - Possibility of mounting 2.5" disks
  8. ✗ - Fans never go to sleep
  9. ✓ - Has USB3
  10. Software (requirements)
  11. ✓ - RAID 10
  12. ✓ - Samba
  13. ✓ - Logging/status (CPU, Memory, Storage, Temperature)
  14. ✓ - Access restriction on a user level + anonymous access
  15. Software (nice to have)
  16. ✓ - RAID 6 (Might be too taxing for the CPU though?)
  17. ✓ - Wake-on-Lan

Possible hardware to investigate:

Icy Dock ver?? youtube, Approx 1k-3k SEK depending on version