Start terminal in Docker without limited size

Sometimes when you exec into a docker container normally, the size of the containers terminal will be much smaller than your real screen, making it not work properly. To solve this you need to set COLUMNS and LINES in the containers env: sudo docker exec -e COLUMNS="$(tput cols)" -e LINES="$(tput lines)" -it docker-container bash

December 14, 2018  |  🏷️docker

Cannot mount cifs-drive over docker with SE-Linux enabled for docker

I have docker container which wants access to a drive on its host, which in turn is mounted with cifs from a server on the local network. If you mount it normally with a -v host:container and try to access it from the container, you get an access denied. If you try the old classic SE-Linux-friendly -v host:container:Z, it will look like this from the container: root@c3ada26b1d90:/# l /data/* /data/backup: ls: cannot access '/data/backup/config....